Using AWS Console for creating AWS cloud resources is very convenient for exploring the platform, doing smaller actions with aws resources, but when something advanced is necessary AWS CLI jumps in. Here I will try to show how with a couple of simple commands ECR can be created and managed

To create repository simply run:

aws ecr create-repository --repository-name foo-repo

It is recommended to configure vulnerabilities scanning to be performed on every push.

aws ecr put-image-scanning-configuration --repository-name foo-repo --image-scanning-configuration scanOnPush=true

To check the configuration and review basic information of the registry run the command:

aws ecr describe-repositories --repository-names foo-repo

After registry is configured docker images can be pushed to it using docker commands. Currently I will not describe process of building an image but I will imply that image exists locally and describe the part of tagging and pushing to ECR. Pushing to ECR can be done only if docker is logged in. Instructions for authorizing with docker can be found on my docker login post.

Local image needs to be tagged with remote repository and then pushed to it.

docker tag local_image_name:latest

docker push

To find real repository links run previous command for describing registry.